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Liability and Legal Aspects

by My Security Training
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Liability and Legal Aspects - 4 hours

Understanding the liability aspect of decisions made on the job for security guards and their companies is a critical area of study. Lessons in this course will cover topics such as personal, contractor and employer roles and relations, criminal, civil and administrative policies, BSIS code and regulations, and the role of a security guard in observing suspects and suspicious activity.

Course Objectives:

  • Be able to understand the definition of personal and employer liability as it relates to the role of public safety
  • Be able to have a basic understanding of the law of the United States
  • Be able to recognize the role of the California Judicial System as it pertains to private security
  • Be able to identify the differences between criminal, civil, and administrative laws
  • Be able to distinguish the role and responsibility security personnel play in the safety and security of the public
  • Identify the security officer's arrest authority and limitations in the workplace
  • Identify the security officer's arrest/custody procedures